Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My weird new life.

I just went for a jog in Central Park, bought, among other things, a truly terrible coffee from Whole Foods, and then had salad for breakfast. Why I  continue to persevere with New York coffee, I do not know. For some reason - the strong Italian presence here perhaps - I feel like there must be a good coffee somewhere in this town. I feel this, despite consistent, tongue-damaging evidence to the contrary. Onwards fearless coffee warrior! Or maybe I'll ditch coffee altogether. We'll see how I go. Why I had salad for breakfast, has basically one answer: I'm just a smidgen hung over today, and my weird body and mind said that the Whole Foods salad bar was the answer. At least it was healthy. But there's probably another answer too. My entire life is weird right now. Almost nothing about my life over here resembles the life I was living before. I eat weirdly, sleep weirdly, don't have a job, go out every single night, grab exercise where I can, spend inordinate amounts of time on facebook, the internet and tinkering with my new, quite stupid Android phone, and I hang out with an entirely new crew of people. Once upon a time I worked every day, had a slightly psycho routine of yoga and running, ate like clockwork, mostly ignored facebook... actually, you know what? Maybe the weirdest thing about my brand new life, is that it doesn't really feel that weird at all. Yes, I have stepped into a completely new environment, and many things are alien, and my behaviour is jumping to a new beat. But what really struck me this morning, six days in, as I headed out my front door and up to the park, was just how normal I felt. Normal and calm and quietly confident and happy and optimistic. Weird right? Weird, but good.

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